The Skyhook is an innovative non-directional auxillary kite originally designed and created by Paul's Fishing Kites in 1989.
The Skyhook attaches to the kiteline under your main kite.
The Large Skyhook has been found by many kitefishers to be indispensable for providing extra power to punch through strong rips on the west coast or to greatly increase the tacking ability of the larger delta kites.
The purpose of the Skyhook is similar to a spinnaker on a yacht.
Connected to a strong braided nylon cord (supplied) inserted into the kiteline the Skyhook increases the effective sail area and consequently provides much more pull in light winds.
Designed specifically to be flown in conjunction with either the Super Kite, Nighthawk Kite or Delta Force, the Large Skyhook will greatly increase your kitefishing opportunities. |