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Mark Kitteridge, Grant Dixon and Sam Mossman, (Photo left), from "Fishing News" have all used and been impressed with PFK Spectra Fishing Line.

Sam has been doing some research into Spectra Lines and has undertaken independent testing of PFK Spectra on a new line testing machine.

The results are based on the average break load over five tests.

Incredibly, PFK 37kg (80lb) Spectra had a breaking point of 55kgs! (123.5lbs!)

Buy Spectra Braid Fishing Lines at our Secure Shopping Cart


PFK Spectra - Five Solid reasons this line is such great value.
  • Brutally Strong - Overtests by up to 50%!
  • Incredibly Durable!
  • Affordable, No One in New Zealand Undersells Us!
  • Sold in Metres not Yards - You get 10% more Spectra line
  • New Zealand Made

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bluefin tunadeep sea basskingfishbass and kingfishyellowfin tunabluefin underwater

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The PFK recipe for spectra has already been the downfall of some of New Zealands toughest species of fish. Below are just a few examples.

We'll spool your reel in store with any amount of spectra you require. Buy only what you need.

If you don't want to order using our secure online service above?

No problem, all PFK Spectra specials are available instore or by mail order.

Ring Rob or Morgan Ph : 09 634-5005 at the shop for details.

Or Visit Our Shop : 39a Neilson St, Onehunga, Auckland.

Fishing Line Testing

At Paul's Fishing Kites we rigorously test every brand of fishing line we use on our kitefishing gear and, while testing some spectra recently, we discovered a new knot which we feel is about as good as it gets (knot tying instructions and diagram below).

First we applied the standard nylon fishing line strength test used by fishing line manufacturers around the world.

A granny knot is tied into the middle of the line being tested and increasing weight is applied incrementally until the line snaps.

The same test is applied ten times and the lowest figure is taken as the knotted tensile strength of fishing line tested.

Just about everyone knows that a granny knot is about the worst knot you can tie as it forces the line around a very small diameter and causes it to cut into itself.

Usually monofilament lines that break above 50% are considered good quality and lines that break above 60% in this brutal test are exceptional.

During tests on the strongest nylon fishing line we have had up to 68%.

We were amazed to find the 37kg spectra samples broke at 21.5 kg in the granny knot test. This is 57% of the rated breaking strain and much higher than we thought possible.

We then went on to try a series of other popular knots and, as expected, a bimini twist (a complex fishing line twist knot) was found to be one of the best breaking at 27kg or 73% of the rated breaking strain.

Other popular mono knots, like a uni knot and clinch knot were little better than the granny knot when tied into the spectra line and we do not recommend using them.

After looking at the various knots under strain with a powerful magnifying glass it was obvious that spectra cuts into spectra just as easily as mono will cut into mono.

Also, because spectra is so slippery, the knots pull up incredibly tightly, further compounding the issue.

We then decided to put the spectra line inside a short piece of 80lb dacron fishing line (dacron is hollow) and retest to see what would happen if the spectra was insulated from cutting into itself by the dacron.

A granny knot was re-tested with a 10cm long 80lb dacron casing over the spectra and this consistently broke at 33kg, an astounding 90% of the rated breaking strain of the spectra.

Our testing of fishing line strength is done with a set of lifting weights.

Slight bounce in the weights during testing leads to the line and knot strengths being UNDER estimated with this method.

Fishing line testing this way is not such a problem with nylon fishing line tests.

EUREKA! The simplest knot in the world, the humble granny, when protected by dacron is probably among the strongest fishing line knots you can tie in spectra.

For maximum strength all that is required to make the knot is a metre or two of dacon fishing line of bigger breaking strain than the spectra you are using.

For example, use 80lb dacron for 50lb spectra and 130lb dacron for 80lb spectra.

The spectra is threaded through a needle and the needle is fed backwards completely through the inside of the dacron.

For bigger lines feed one piece of dacron inside another to double the breaking strain before putting the spectra inside.

A granny knot is then tied into the dacron near the end where the spectra was inserted.

This results in a 10% reduction in strength at the granny knot and a vastly increased breaking strain in the last couple of metres of line where both the dacron and spectra continue to the end of the line.

Any secure knot can then be tied to whatever terminal tackle, clip or swivel you wish with real confidence that the final attachment will be 90% of the breaking strain of the spectra.

Fishers who use this method of knotting spectra will be able to tie consistent 90% knots in spectra that vary less than 2% regardless of how poorly they are tied. Absolutely no knowledge of how to tie fishing knots is required.

For more information on how to tie fishing line visit our knot tying guide on how to tie a loop knot braided loop here

Knot Tying Instructions for Super Braid Fishing Line

knot tying instructions

Spectra Fishing Line Facts

Spectra fibre woven into superbraid is the ultimate fishing line for both kite fishing and deepwater jigging for hapuku, bluenose and bass. Many people ask how strong are nylon fishing lines compared to spectra? Incredibly spectra is only around one third the diameter of nylon for the same breaking strain, an important fact to consider when selecting fishing line for deepwater fishing or kite angling.

For example, a kitefisher using a pocket sled or flexiwing fishing kite rig can get three times as much spectra line on their fishing reel and fish three times as far offshore.

When using spectra lines kite fishers using dropper rigs will reduce the work the kite has to do to tow the rig out and keep the line clear of the water by two thirds.

This is because the superbraid has only one third of the windage and weight of conventional monofilament or dacron fishing lines. Light wind performance is greatly enhanced.

Spectra braid is also kinder to fishing reels as it only has a stretch factor of around 1% while nylon can have a stretch factor of up to 30% (even dacron fishing line has a 10% stretch factor).

Spectra is often called no stretch fishing line, superline, super braid fishing line or spiderwire to reflect it's small fishing line diameter to strength ratio and low stretch.


When using more conventional fishing methods, such as deepwater fishing from boats for bass, hapuka and bluenose or other deepwater species. Unlike nylon fishing lines, bites can easily be felt even at great depths because of the incredibly low stretch of spectra and its ability to transfer every detail of the bite instantly to the angler.

It also works the other way round, those jigging in very deep water can easily impart real action to the jig or lure even at depths down to 200 metres and beyond. Obviously when the angler strikes, the strike is instantly and positively transmitted to the point of the hook ensuring maximum penetration and fewer missed strikes.

Probably the biggest benefit to deepwater rod and reel fishers is the spectra physics that come into play. Because it is so thin for it's breaking strain you will only need a third of the amount of lead weight to hold the bottom in deep water or strong currents compared to those who use nylon fishing lines.

Shelf Life of Monofilament Fishing Line Compared to Spectra

Other significant benefits of spectra is that it is almost impervious to degradation by ultraviolet light and is incredibly resistant to abrasion.

On the other hand monofilament fishing line storage life is severly reduced by exposure to direct sunlight.

A reel spooled with spectra will give years of service in the harshest sunlight and toughest fishing conditions.

So why don't more kiwis use super-braids made from spectra for deep water fishing and kite fishing? The answer is simple, manufacturing of spiderwire fishing line is a slow process, so spectra super-braids have been prohibitively expensive for most.

The good news is PFK have managed to take out a few of the middle men.

Also, the knots required to tie spectra have been beyond the ability of most recreational anglers or unreliable and inconsistent. We hope our knot tying diagram and fishing knot tying guide helps you to tie fishing line knots as strong as the best.

Quality Braided Spectra Available Online at Low Prices

Recently we received samples of a new superbraid which is being manufactured in New Zealand. The new line is woven from Honeywell spectra fibre and is as good or better quality as the other brands we have used for kitefishing over the years.

A major benefit is that the new spectra line retails for around half the price or less than most imported braids.

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How to select the proper fishing line weight

The new spectra lines are available in 50lb, 80lb, 130lb, 160lb 220lb and 330lbs breaking strains and are three times the tensile strength of fishing line.

A spectra line 50 lbs breaking is great for pocket sled kite rigs and general purpose fishing and especially for jigging from boats inshore in areas of strong rips and currents.

A spectra line 50 to 80lbs is ideal for flexiwing kite rigs running up to 10 hooks per set or general fishing inshore for larger species

130lb spectra gives a huge increase in saftey if you want to set up to 20 hooks at a time on a flexiwing rig and is the most popular size for hapuka and bass fishing in deep water. Great on 6/0 to 9/0 Penn Sennator or Daiwa reels

160lb to 220lb is ideal for big dropper rigs powered by large kites or for making drop lines for big hapuka and bass in very deep water. Suitable for power hauling. Excellent for kitelines on any high performance fishing or stunt kites.

330lb is great for kite longlines or kontiki rigs which are hauled by winch, this thin line will significantly reduce the effects of rip and currents on your rig.

Spectra rope is also available

Our spools of spectra are currently supplied in 500 metre and 1000 metre lengths. Larger sizes and longer lengths are made to order.

The New Spectra is available from Paul's Fishing Kites.

All spools are supplied with a knot tying kit which includes four metres of the correct sized hollow dacron braided fishing line to tie the knot shown and knot tying instructions which will ensure you retain 90% of the breaking strain you are paying for.

We hope you price compare premium braided fishing lines with ours at yahoo or your favorite online store. Below are some search terms you may want to try.

Don't forget our prices are in New Zealand Dollars.

Usually $3.00 USD buys just under $5.00 New Zealand. Use a currency converter to find todays exchange rate.

Buy Spectra Braid Fishing Lines at our Secure Shopping Cart

  • spiderwire
  • powerpro
  • fireline
  • power pro
  • whiplash fishing line
  • superline
  • compare premium braided fishing lines
  • spectra fishing line
  • tiger braid fishing line
  • brands of fishing line
  • spider fishing line
  • spectra products
  • berkly fishing line
  • dyna cast fishing line
  • cortland
  • sage

More knot tying instructions

fishing knots, catspaw, platted loop, new uni knot, snelling, crimp join, braid loop, tying traces, uni knot, blood knot, clinch knot.


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Above: Morgan Barnes with a decent sized snapper from a Whangarei longline set that caught 21 good sized fish from 25 hooks set!

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