The most important question when deciding on the kite relates to the balance of the rig. At worst if the kite is too large it may break the line, at best it will make the rig unweildy and difficult if not dangerous to operate. A too large kite on thin
line can easily cut the hands of the kitefisher.
Conversely, if the kite is too small for the job it is expected to perform, then the rig will only operate in gale or near gale conditions. This will cause the kitefisher to lose many available fishing opportunities in light to moderate winds. It is
not only a very frustrating experience but also embarrassing.
Another common pitfall is in thinking all kites are created equal, they are not!
The quality and design of the kite is absolutely critical to your success. Just imagine, you have finally got the family, bait and gear to the beach. Other kite fishers are out in force and catching lots of fish on either side of you.
The anticipation of a great day of kitefishing is welling up in all those involved in your kitefishing expedition. And then, you spend all day running up and down the beach trying to launch an inferior kite that is so heavy it needs an additional 10
knots more wind to fly than everyone elses kite.
At the opposite end of the scale you may have bought or made a kite and the wind is too strong for it. It just spins out and crashes into the sea seconds after you launch it, over and over again.
This happens to would be kitefishers around New Zealand every day, they just don't realise the importance of getting the best quality kite available. To ensure this does not happen to our customers, Paul's Fishing Kites make all of their kites in house
to their own designs and rigourous specifications while using only the finest quality materials.
All of the kites we manufacture at Pauls Fishing Kites have a guaranteed wind range and all of our rigs are perfectly balanced. We tried every conceivable design of kite plan and building technique before we settled on the kite plans and kite building
systems we now use.
Don't forget that Paul's Fishing Kites released the first commercially available fishing kites and kite fishing systems in New Zealand in 1988. Over 95% of all kitefishing articles ever written in New Zealand are about Paul's Fishing Kites rigs and
kites. Pauls Fishing Kites rigs have also featured several times on the popular national fishing shows "Gone Fishin" and "Outdoor Journal."
Don't risk being let down by toys and imitations!
If you want a fishing kite or kitefishing rig that does everything you have seen and read about then get the original - A Paul's Fishing Kites Rig or genuine Paul's Fishing Kite. |