Selecting a Kite for Your Area
If you are uncertain of what sort of prevailing wind and seasonal weather to expect in your area, then this New Zealand weather information is essential to assisting you in making a choice of fishing kite and fishing rig.
If you are still uncertain as to the best rig or kite for your area after reading this New Zealand weather page, please call us or drop us a letter or email. We will be only too happy to help you.
To assist you in choosing the best kite for your area we have put together the following weather information based on feedback from thousands of Paul's Fishing Kites' customers from all around New Zealand.
While it is the terminal tackle which catches the fish, it is the quality, size, weight and design of the fishing kite you choose which will ultimately determine how many fishable days you get.
The main objective with choosing a fishing kite is to ensure the fishing rig is balanced and capable of fishing in the winds in your area.
This means the kite must be large enough to tow out the gear that you intend to fish, but not so large that it breaks the line or is too difficult to retrieve.
As a rule of thumb, because the upper North Island is a narrow landmass, the wind strengths on the lee shores are stronger than the offshore winds further south.
This is because the further wind travels over land and the higher the landmass is, the weaker the wind becomes.
Current coastal weather forecast for anywhere in New Zealand