This newsletter depends almost entirely on it's subscribers for the fishing reports we post, the more subscribers we have the more comprehensive the fishing newsletter will become.
We hope to grow the fishing report newsletter subscriber numbers into the thousands so that we can give good coverage to all areas around New Zealand and cover more methods such as surfcasting and fishing from boats with rods or longlines. If you already
enjoy the newsletter or want more coverage of your area you can help by simply letting your mates know about this newsletter.
You can help us make this a great newsletter by sending in your fishing reports to Fishing Reports Please include your name, where and when you were fishing, rig or method you use, wind conditions, bait
and what you caught. It is also important to know where the fish are not biting so even if you catch little or nothing send the report in. This helps everyone maximise their fishing time and makes it that much more enjoyable for all of us.
If you think any of your friends will be interested in our kitefishing site or receiving the newsletter please send them to
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