Bridle Construction
The bridle should be made of light weight dacron. Measure your kite from wing tip to wing tip.
The length of the bridle needs to be about 3 times the width of the kite. Tie a snap clip to each end of the bridle.
Drop both of the snap clips over a nail and pull the dacron out straight to find the centre. Tightly holding both strands of dacron, tie an overhand knot near the end of the outstretched lines leaving a small loop at the very end.
This loop should now be dead centre between the two snap clips. If it is even slightly off to one side it pays to undo the knot and try again as this will cause the kite to pull to one side during flight.
A second length of dacron (about 1.5 to 2 metres long) is needed for the shopping bag. Tie a snap clip with swivel at both ends. Attach the one end of line to the loop in the centre of the bridle.
It is essential to place a swivel in this length of dacron to prevent the bag spinning the bridle up and making it ineffective.
The bag is attached to the end of this dacron cord by passing the remaining clip through the handle holes and clipping it back over the line. This allows the bag to fill with air (like a parachute). It is not necessary to cut any holes in the bag.