North Island kite fishing over the last month has really picked up.
The east coast from North Cape to the Bay of plenty is currently full of schooling snapper.
The incessant south westerlies over the last few weeks have allowed kite fishers ample opportunities to take good hauls of snapper.
Around the 25th of November the wind is forecast to go easterly and this should persist for around 8 to 10 days.
The west coast is currently fishing very well with good catches being reported by kitefishers from 90 Mile Beach right down down to Taranaki.
Muriwai Beach from Mike Hadley
Mike fished late in October from Muriwai beach with a big kite Dropper Rig. After two perfect sets of 20 hooks baited with kahawai he reports catching four snapper, six gurnard and two kahawai.
The winds were moderate easterlies, the tide falling and the surf was slight. Both sets went straight out.
Te Arai Point from Rob
Kite fishing expert Rob Nelson from Paul's Fishing Kites fished a big dropper rig on the southern side of Te Arai Point, the winds were light and the swell was minimal.
Setting three sets of 20 hooks baited with a mixture of squid and mullet, Rob and Sam Naden wound up with 13 snapper, three kahawai, one gurnard, one stingray and a mako shark.
While retrieving the final set for the day another fisher showed up and set out his electric kontiki rig.
While Rob and Sam were packing up the kontiki was retrieved but had caught nothing.
Rob said the shark was an irridescent blue on top like a mako
shark but had teeth like a white pointer. |