New Winch
A robust and powerful 230 watt kite and kontiki winch that can handle heavy duty fishing
Fishing Winch
Don't risk your kontiki to sharks. Use a Shorething trailer behind your kontiki to turn it into a dropper rig
ShoreThing Kontiki |
Shark Attack
An incredible tale of kayak fisher harassed by a great white shark
Great White Shark Attacks Kayak |
Cleaning Fish
A great photo series from catching to cleaning, filleting skinning and de boning fish.
How to Fillet Fish |
Kite Fishing
See what you can catch when your line is out to where the fish are. Find out all about kite angling and fishing kites |
Top quality spectra at unbelievably low prices plus a Spectra knot tying article |
Big Kingfish
Kings of Coromandel and top article on how to catch big kingfish with livebaits
Targeting Kingfish |
Last Fishing Trip
Check out where we went and see what we caught on our last free fishing trip. More importantly find out how we did it. |
Target Hooks
Catch more snapper and fewer undersized fish! Stop gut hooking! The best fish hook for the fisherman and the fishery! |
NZ Weather Map
New Zealand weather forecast and swell information. Forecasts for 44 coastal areas.
NZ Weather Forecast |
We are adding a shark section to the site, the first article has just been posted. Kite caught.
Great White Sharks |
Boat Fishing Rigs
Check out some of the latest saltwater rigs. Find out why these snapper fishing rigs are so effective |
Fishing Knots
Learn how to tie knots and check out some of the latest knots. Excellent 3D knot tying illustration |
Electric Kontiki
NEW! The PT-430 Powertiki Electric Kontiki now has three batteries for more power and longer running times. Winch Available. |
Beach Carts
A beach carts are a great fishing gift idea, sure to please any beach fisherman of surfcaster. |
Fishing Torpedo
Challenge Marine Fishing Torpedo. Massive battery capacity gives five 900 meter sets per charge. |
Fishing off Cliffs
A land based kite fishing report, three mahi mahi in a single day from the top of a cliff. Mahi Mahi Report |
Fishing Reports
If you don't think kite fishing will work, check out the great kite catches taken by our customers! |
New Trace Clip
New clip reduces tangles and shark bite offs
Buy longline clips online here |
Pictures of Fish
Snapper, kahawai, kingfish, trevally, gurnard, sharks and many more!
Pictures of fish |
Flatfish Methods
Find out all about catching and cooking flounder, flounder lights, gigging spears and flatfish nets Flounder Fishing |
Tangled Traces?
New Article on the cause and remedy of tangled traces.
Tangled Traces |
Kite Fishing
Kite fishing is the ultimate in surf fishing equipment. We combine top of the line kites with the best surf fishing rigs.
Everything is here from surf fishing basics and tips right through to how to make your own saltwater rigs and tackle. |
4X4 Offroad Driving
4WD beach driving and recovery tips and techniques. Find out if your insurance policy covers you while offroad, many don't! Offroad Driving Tips |