Great white shark pics
Above : The Sherman boys look on in awe at Dads catch.
The white pointer shark was taken on a normal 22 kg breaking strain snapper trace run from a Paul's Fishing Kite Bottom Longline Rig. The shark had 3 gurnard in its stomach, which it had just taken from the line.
The hook that caught this monster was a little 4/0 Tainawa Jap longline hook which had hooked up right in the corner of the sharks mouth.
While great white shark attacks on kitefishing gear are thought to be rare, there is no real way of knowing for sure what type of shark broke a particular trace.
In this case the gut yeilded several gurnard with hooks still in them and obviously taken from Colins' line. In the picture above some of the other victims of the great white shark attack can be seen hanging from it's mouth
A special thanks to Colin Sherman for sending in the great white shark pictures.
More Shark Information
The largest great white shark ever taken on a kite weighed 791 kg and was caught at the Boiling Pot, Mazappa Bay, Transkei, South Africa.
It was 3.533 metres long, had a girth of 2.50 metres. The angler, Bill Dalgleish took three and a half hours to subdue the fish.