Pocket Sled Kites from Paul's Fishing Kites are ideal for targeting any fish species from kahawai to marlin.
Pocket Sled Kites ARE
- Balanced to fish 8kg to 15kg line weights in 7 - 30 knot winds
- Unlimited in their casting range from shore or boat
- A ram air design so no spars are required!
Pocket Sled Snapper Rig
In New Zealand most kitefishers target snapper, which are a bottom feeding species. The following rig is ideal for bottom fishing with the Pocket Sled Kite.
This rig has also proved to be very productive for targeting gurnard, trevally, kingfish, john
dory, dogfish, tope, red cod and kahawai.
The kiteline, dropline, leader line and hook sections should be stored on a 10 inch handspool so that all of the line on the fishing reel is used to increase the rigs fishing distance offshore.