The Ledger Rig is ideal for kitefishers trying out new areas but are unsure of the bottom type.
These ledger rigs can be made at home or you can purchase ready made rigs from Paul's Fishing Kites. The weight needs to be kept as light as possible so it tows out just below the surface when setting.
The weight can be a pebble attached with a thin rubber band in really reefy areas.
Once set out to the required distance the weight sinks taking the baited hooks toward the bottom.
If the weight snags the pebble will slip out of the rubber band, or the safety trace will snap.
If a single trace snags then only that trace will break. If everything fouls, the top safety trace will break and you will lose the hook section and should try at least 100 metres up or down the beach to find a clearer bottom.
Once you find a good setting area keep a record of landmarks so you can always return to exactly the same spot.
In unfamiliar areas Paul always does five or six sets, about 20 metres apart, and only if the area is proved to be clear will he run his 10 hook sand Dropper Rig.
A constant wind and steady retrieve is required when fishing foul ground to keep the mainline clear of the water and the hooks and weight off the bottom to prevent snagging during setting and retrieval.
Because everything on the Flexiwing Rig clips together it only takes seconds to change fishing rigs.
The Ledger Rig can be made to fish effectively from any of the Dropper Rig Systems.
Feel free to give Rob at the shop a ring if you need help with making up a ledger rig or require the bits. Ph (09) 634 5005