A protective tube, chafe protector or thimbles must be used to protect the loops from scuffing on the seabed, or cutting in to each other.
Always use the correct tool for the crimp, a Yo-zuri Crimping tool or Jinkai Hand crimper tool is essential.
When joining lines of different sizes Paul's Fishing Kites use a metre of 130lb B/S dacron over the weaker line to maximise the strength of the join. See diagram below.
While Paul's Fishing Kites report they have never had one of their crimped joins break, they have often repaired other manufacturers kitefishing equipment where crimped join failure has occurred with the resulting expensive loss of kites and gear.
The ones that have failed have not had the protective non toxic tube sheath over the join and the two loops have cut into each other over time.
While they have had dacron over the join this has chafed through as it is not abrasion resistant.
The line
eventually breaks when the unprotected dacron scuffs off and one loop wears through, or the line is put under a heavy load.
So if you have a Paul's fishing Kites rig, don't worry, the joins are sound.
If you have a rig that has no tube or only dacron over you joins, get it fixed as soon as possible!
Email us here if you need the joins in your kite or kon tiki rig checked and repaired