Hello. I am Peggy Barnes and I will gladly handle all of your overseas enquiries personally. I look foward to assisting you with any queries you may have regarding any of the products on this web site.
Paul's Fishing Kites products are used successfully all around the world. I will happily assist you with selecting the best kite or rigs for your area.
Our products are very attractively priced for overseas clients.
Please note that all prices shown on our website are in New Zealand Dollars and include the local GST tax of 15 % for New Zealand customers, all overseas customers are exempt from this tax and will have 15 % deducted from the prices shown on this
The favourable New Zealand Dollar exchange rate is another advantage. A good example is that the New Zealand dollar is usually around $00.74 USD. Find out just how attractive our pricing is in your currency by checking out our currency converter here>>>
Placing an order for Paul's Fishing Kites products from anywhere in the world is a simple two step process.
Step 1
In order to cope with varying freight, currency exchange rates and the 15 % GST deducted from overseas orders please contact us first with a description of the products you are interested in. I will then work out
a firm quote on all costs including delivery to your door and contact you with the total price shown both in NZD and your local currency.
Please check the quote carefully and ensure that all delivery details are complete and correct. If you accept the quote you have received and wish to continue with the purchase, then please proceed to step 2.
Step 2
Please enter the total amount quoted by e-mail in the box provided below. You will then proceed to the secure area of our site where you can safely enter your personal information and credit card details for your purchase. It will not matter whether
you enter the total amount in NZ dollars or in your local currency as I handle every order personally and will ensure only the correct amount is charged.
When I receive your order I will check the order and total amounts and then e-mail you again and include the total price converted into your local currency for your convenience. After you have checked all details we request that you e-mail your final
order confirmation.
For your security and peace of mind, your credit card is not debited until after I have received your final order confirmation. After your final confirmation your credit card is debited, your order is processed and then dispatched within 5 to 7 working
days. We guarantee that none of your personal information is shared with any third party. Check our online shopping security details here
Thank you for your interest in our products and I look forward to assisting you in any way I can. I also look forward to receiving your fishing reports and photos.
Yours Truly,
Peggy Barnes
Sales Manager
Paul's Fishing Kites Ltd.
Overseas Order Form Below