ED : The following three reports had been "lost" by the editor, apologies to the writers for not putting them in earlier.
Orewa Report by Aaron and Petra Buxton
Sunday, August 22nd, the winds were very light from Orewa. We initially tried to set 10 hooks from our flexiwing rig but with the fickle winds the gear took a long time to set out.
We decided to reduce the number of hooks to six and this worked really well. The gear went out without any problems and we wound up with nine good sized snapper from two sets.
Mokau Report by Geoff Preston
Geoff Litton, who had been kitefishing just down the beach from me on my last trip out caught his first really big snapper. Mr Litton has just recently become interested in kitefishing after observing myself and others on the beach catching big fish
with our rigs.
He's been a keen boat fisherman most of his life, but after recently purchasing a kite longline rig and catching some great fish on his first set, he's amazed at how easy and enjoyable kitefishing is.
Joking with him before he ran his first set, I said "you're bound to catch one", and he pulled in a beauty! A 9.7 kg snapper. Mr. Litton said this was his first ever snapper over 20 lbs. The weather has been poor here in Mokau for the last
few weeks but we are all looking forward to our next kitefishing trip. Cheers, Geoff Preston
Dargaville Report by Robbie Cullen
During the recent spate of North Easterlies I took a trip out to the west coast. The winds were a bit fickle on the beach despite the stronger winds inland so I had a bit of trouble setting the gear through the strong rip.
Finally got the gear out 1000 metres at low tide baited up with salted mullet. This set returned five superb fat gurnard. No other species were caught. Another kite fisher further down the beach did a longline set and only got two gurnard.
My second set came in empty. A lady and her retired partner stopped and had a chat with me and told me they got busted off by something just the day before, thus exporting their kite and most of their backbone to Australia. They told me where they were
fishing and I suspect they may have been snagged.
Maybe the remains of the boat that got swamped here last summer in the breakers. I believe kite fisher Gary Soschich got a few snapper, gurnard and kahawai two days after I was fishing but I hear he spent pretty much all day on the beach to accomplish
Robbie reports that recently the red weed is bad at Ruakaka between the rivermouth and DOC camping grounds.