Steve dropped in to the shop last week with this report and excellent pic.
Steve Barnes (no relation) and Sharon Richards fished the late afternoon at Uretiti Beach on the 12th of November.
They ran just one set with a large dropper rig powered by a Nighthawk kite.
With an incoming tide and overcast conditions they set 10 hooks baited with squid to just over 300 metres offshore.
Conditions were ideal for catching good fish.
Three snapper were caught including this great snapper which weighed in at 10kgs.
Steve also reported that this snapper was taken on a floating bead trace with a target snapper hook.
Waipu Cove
Waipu Cove is also fishing well.
About three weeks ago we were told that a kitefisher fishing with a pocket sled rig hauled in one 6 kg snapper and two around 2.5 kgs on just one set.