A northeasterly wind is really good for kite fishing at west coast beaches, particularly Baylys Beach near Dargaville. Baylys Beach, like many others has high sandhills and this can cause wind shadow problems when trying to launch a kite.
It pays to launch your kite up to the flag in clear areas. On Baylys Beach there is a very good clear area near where you drive onto the beach.
When deciding where to fish look for a gap in the sandhills or alternatively run the kiteline out and walk it up the beach till you find a clear area. Put the brake on the reel and launch from there. It is so much easier doing it this way.
A couple of years ago when I was fishing on Baylys Beach I had a large gap in the hills behind me and had no problems with launching the kite.
Another kite fisher further down the beach spent over an hour trying to launch his kite and only managed to crash it into the sand every time.
I noticed what was happening and it was frustrating to watch so I went down to him and suggested I take his kite into some clear area.
He was very agitated by this time and was happy to try anything to get his kite to fly.
We took his kite up the beach and launched it in the clear, right up to where the flag came off his reel.
The kite went up first time, steady and straight. He was amazed and very relieved.
I returned him to his fishing spot and his enthusiasm for kitefishing took a turn for the better.
Even better was the big smile from his wife, more relief than anything else I think.
The kite went straight out and his 25 hooks disappeared into the water in no time at all.
When we had finished fishing for the day we stopped by and helped them retrieve their line.
The line was full of snapper, gurnard and two trevally. Needless to say they were pleased and couldn't thank me enough for helping out.
I hope this is a handy hint for the people who are new to kitefishing. It can save you a lot of time and effort.
Happy fishing Robbie Cullen