On the second day's fishing the Flexiwing Kite
crashed on its first flight due to the lack of wind. We recovered
the kite then tied a balloon on the top spar. We decided to
wait about half an hour for wind to strengthen.
We set the kite flying and let it out about 250
metres for 15 minutes, recovered the line and it came in with
two kahawai.
Reset the kite and let it go out 500 metres. The
wind was blowing about 15 knots from the northwest by then.
The kite nosed dived into the water when the wind died. We recovered
the kite and line, it came in very easily with the balloon attached.
We caught three kahawai, things were starting to look good.
Set kite again and let it go out to 300 meters
for 20 minutes, recovered the kite along with two kahawai and
one gurnard.
The wind was up to around 20 knots by this stage,
the Flexiwing Kite went out pretty fast on the next set. Exciting
stuff, then a qucik shift to dead calm once again and the kite
nose dived into the water. It was an easy recovery due to the
balloon attached to the kite. Best of all we had already hooked
one kahawai.
The wind quickly changed to the southwest so we
packed up and headed for home. With one gurnard and eight kahawai
in the bag we had a great days fishing.
Bob Garratt