Hutch's important questions relating to kite safety are so important
we have published both the questions and answers for the benefit
of subscribers.
I have a couple of interesting questions, but first I must explain
the circumstances. On the weekend I was fishing the Nighthawk
Kite with a large Skyhook attached, the wind was quite
strong and very unpredictable with the occasional strong gust. The
set required about a forty-five degree tack, which I was able to
do very easily.
I set the gear out a full kilometre and waited for an hour to retrieve.
I had only pulled in about one hundred metres when the end gear
took a majestic dive (earning a perfect row of tens), into the briny.
This was the first time I have experienced a nose dive, but it had
to happen one day.
After retrieving around fifty metres, which required very hard
work, everything started to come in quite easily. I should add I
was fishing a Bottom Longline Rig.
When the end gear arrived on the shore both the safety traces had
parted as they are supposed to, also the spar on the Skyhook had
broken in half, there was a knot in the wood.
Now for the questions. In your video Geoff Thomas clearly states
that the wooden spar is a safety feature and if the kite dunks it
is supposed to break. Then Paul mentions it's the safety trace that
is supposed to break. If the trace breaking is all that is required
to enable an easy retrieve through the water, then is it possible
to purchase fiberglass or carbon fibre spars to lighten the Kite
and Skyhook thereby improving light wind performance?
Secondly, what breaking strain nylon do you recommend for the safety
trace on the Nighthawk Kite and the Skyhook?
I fully appreciate your technology has improved vastly since the
video was made, but I was pleasantly surprised at how little it
took to get the kite to tack. Even a very small plastic bag proved
to be too much and had to be cut back to a piece only 75mm wide,
this proved to be ample in moving the kite many degrees off the
Since buying the Kite from you my catches have been unbelievable.
The local Whakatane fishing writer has complained that for the past
three months fishing from the shore has been very slow, not so say
Using the Kite - in four trips to the beach, my wife and I have
landed forty-five fish, twenty-one snapper, fifteen gurnard and
nine kahawhai. If that is fishing when it's slow, then at my age
I don't think I will manage it when things get good!!!
Best Wishes.