Mfish are mid way through a massive snapper tagging program on the west coast. Over 30,000 fish are to be internally tagged with a special tag that can only be detected and the information read with a special metal detecting wand. The tag is minute
and not harmful to the fish or detectable by the fisherman.
Injected in behind the head of the fish, the tag remains in position until it enters the processing phase in the commercial fish plants. Information on the fish size, weight and original location where the fish was caught is recorded when the tag is
implanted into the fish.
These details are compared to the information from the captured fish. The fish pass beneath a special electronic reader in the fish plants which notifies the processors when a tagged fish passes through the system. The tagged fish is then removed for
measuring and examination.
Details are taken and the location of where the fish was caught is recorded. The objective of the tagging program is to assess the size of the west coast snapper stocks. By all accounts most of the snapper being taken for the project are in very close
to the coast so this weekend maybe the time to be putting your kite out west.
Trawlers working inside the trawl lines over the coming weeks may be a part of the research project. If you suspect they are not take a photo of the vessel and contact the Ministry of Fisheries.
Trish Rea
Paul's Fishing Kites