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Posted 05 September 2002
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A large high is moving away to the east of the country. The weather looks very changable for the weekend so it is hard to forecast what we might get.

Saturday the South Island is expected to have west to southwesterly winds. For the rest of the country the winds should be light.

The forecast for Sunday is moderate northwesterly winds over the whole country.

Sunday will be a great day to be kitefishing at the top end of Uretiti. Omaha will be another good place to try in the norwesters.

With the big snapper expected down the coast at any time you might catch yourself an early spring surprise. With lots of crabs in these areas don't overweight your gear. If your gear stalls, try removing weight or reduce the number of traces you are setting.

Hamilton Boatshow

Paul's Fishing Kites were on show at the National Boatshow, Mystery Creek Hamilton last weekend. It was a great opportunity to catch up with those we had met last year, and answer any questions that people had.

We heard some great yarns and were pleased to introduce a lot of new people to the pleasure of kitefishing.

Lucky Draw Winner

We have completed the draw and found the winner for the BBQ, Pocket Sled Rig and other tackle we had on show in Hamilton. The lucky person is Rob Murray. Please contact us so we can get your prize delivered to you. Thank you to all those who participated in the draw.

Local Kitefishing Clubs

There is a lot of interest in starting kitefishing clubs around the country. If anyone has a club together or is keen to go out fishing with other kitefishers, please let us know so we can pass on the details.

Story of the Week

After reading our reports about Geoff Preston last week an older gentleman (apologies, I dont have his name), stopped at the stand to talk to us. He has been fishing the Taranaki coast and Mokau in particular, for many years.

His favourite trick is to get up in the morning, go out on the beach in his pyjamas, set the gear then head back to bed. When he thinks the gear has been out long enough he gets out of bed and retrieves his gear. Most of the time he catches himself dinner, all while lying bed!

Porangahau Beach by John Pothan

Hi, sorry for missing last week's report, Paul didn't tell me the newsletter was going out early.

Not much happened last weekend. On Saturday we had a 4 metre southerly swell that keep most of the vessels ashore. On Sunday the swell was down to 2 metres but it was no good for Kites or Kontikis as there was no wind.

The whitebaiters also had a quiet weekend, so a few went to the river and tried floundering and chasing the kahawai.

Tom Ward and his boys spent 3 hours on the river over the high tide and landed 35 flounder, all were in excellent condition. I know because Tom dropped a couple off for me. They were so big I had to take the heads and tails off to fit them in the pan.

At the time of writing this report Scotty and his crew have just returned from Blackhead Point after having a dive. They report the visibility was excellent and all returned with good catches.

The previous weekend we had a strong westerly. Doug Bassett from Dannevirke successfully deployed two sets with his Super Kite powered Longline for 6 rig (lemon fish) and a few kahawai.

Jad Smith set his Super kite and Longline and landed a 5 foot rig which was big enough to feed everyone at his place for a few nights.

James Kimberley from Palmerston called in. He has been reading the fishing reports on Paul's Fishing Kites website and came across to check our beach out.

Just had a report that the whitebait are running in the river. Wouldn't you know it, the fish arrive and I have sold out of scoop nets. I'll have more in stock by the end of the week.

That's all for now.

Don't forget, if you are in the area call in and check out our range of Paul's Kites, Rigs and spare parts.

Regards John Pothan

Porangahau Beach Marine
R D 3 Porangahau
Central Hawkes Bay
Phone 06 8555112 & 06 8555131 Fax 06 8555552

Kite Fishing Club News by Trish Rea

The Kite Fishing Club held their annual Inventors Evening this week. Members were competing for the Artie Miller Memorial Trophy. The entries are awarded points in nine catagories including originality, cost effectiveness, and simplicity.

There were six entries into the main competition and all entries were of a very high standard.

Mal Riley won the Artie Miller Memorial Trophy for his Kite Launcher. Although designed for use with the Flexiwing Kite , it could be adapted to suit any size kite. It is a wooden frame which can be secured into the sand and holds the kite steady while you prepare your gear.

The kite dowel sits in a slot, when you are ready to launch it is only a matter of pulling on the kiteline and the kite is launched into the air. The frame is hinged so once the kite is released the frame collapses onto the sand. An excellent example of kiwi ingenuity.

Other entries included a kite made out of a plastic rubbish bag, a sea anchor for the longline, a holder for 30 spare traces, a new tube float and a very simple idea for tacking a Skyhook. Tim Gerard and Ross Savage both had ideas on how to prevent traces tangling and had examples on display for people to try out.

Other Great Ideas

A bonus for club members was the presentation of several designs not entered in the contest for the trophy, but worth looking at anyway.

Kevin Griffiths brought along a torpedo which his father used to set out longlines off Piha many years ago. Despite being 25 years old, the ingenuity used in its design impressed everyone.

Jim Birch brought along two torpedos he has been working on. Both operate as line haulers and Jim was happy to offer his advice to those thinking of making their own.

Neville King and his neighbour Derek had their electric winches on show and explained their operation. Both winches were set up on stands and were powered by batteries. With 12 volt or 24 volt options these rigs are capable of hauling in a longline at speed, if required. The stands have a waist height bait board and manual wind facility if the batteries fail.

Smart Lures

Tony Smart from Tauranga gave a presentation to the club on his range of fishing lures. At this stage he is only making lures for commercial and game fishing use. Recreational fishers have shown so much interest for smaller lures that he is planning to have a range of lures available in a few months time.

Tony is sure kitefishers will have success with the new lures as they are designed to work at speeds between 2.5 and 12 knots. Ideal for towing when kitefishing.

Kite Club Demonstration Day

The Kite Fishing Club have their monthly demonstration day this coming Sunday. The beach where the demonstration is to be held will be announced on 1ZB (1080 AM) between 7am and 8am. Listen to the cancellation service for the information.

Snag Report

Robbie Cullen and Peter Berry report a new snag on Uretiti Beach. The snag is 2.4 kilometres to the right from the end of Tip Road. It is just before the river mouth.

The snag is a very old boat around 20 feet wide. It is only visible at low tide. At high tide it is approximately 30 metres out from the beach.

Robbie advises fishing at least 50 metres either side of this snag.

New Paul's Fishing Kites Outlet

Fishers in the Waikato now have a local store stocking the range of Target Snapper Hooks. These hooks proved to be the most popular item at the boatshow last weekend. Now you can get all your additional requirements locally.

Call in to see Mike and the team at Fish City for all your Target Hook supplies and help preserve the fishery by using the only selective hook available in the world.

Fish City
Kaihikatea Drive
Phone: 07 8478495

Fishing Reports by Trish Rea

Alison from Stephens Sportsworld in Kaikohe reports there have been a few school sized snapper caught lately. Although the weather has not been the best over the past month, those that have got out fishing have been able to catch a few fish. The fish are hard to find but the scallops and paua are off the coast north of the Bay of Islands.

Kerry from Stumpys Bait and Tackle in Whangarei advises the gurnard and kahawai are being caught off the beaches in the area. Ruakaka and Waipu have been producing good numbers.

Tarakihi are abundant off the coast and the good news is the snapper are coming in as well. The best fish weighed last week in the shop was 8kg. Kerry reports there are a lot of four to six pounders coming in. Hopefully they are on the way down the coast. Bonito is the successful bait for catching snapper in the area.

Mike from Fish City in Hamilton was fishing out of Pauanui last week and caught a smorgasbord of fish. Although it was rough out there they managed to catch snapper, kahawai and a mixed bag of other fish. Straylining seemed to be the most successful method of catching fish on the day.

Photo Contest

Be In To Win $600.00

A reminder to all you budding photographers out there to take your cameras to the beach when you go kitefishing. Our annual Photo Contest is underway with $600.00 worth of kitefishing gear up for grabs for the best kitefishing photo sent in to us by March 2003.

Remember to include the kite in the photo, preferably have the sea in the background and happy faces. See the full details at

Monthly Photo Prize

Paul's Fishing Kites are offering a $30.00 gift voucher for the best photo of the month that makes it into the kitefishing report in the NZ Fishing News magazine or onto our website. The prize is available for photos of catches taken on one of our kitefishing rigs or with our Target Hooks. There is no limit on entries so you can send in as many pics as you like.

July Winner

For the second month in a row Robbie Cullen wins the prize for the $30.00 gift voucher for his photo in

It is a photo which includes the kite, fish, fishermen and the beach in the background.

Well done Robbie. A voucher will be out to you very soon.

August Winner

With so many quality photos to choose from for the August monthly prize selecting a winner was very difficult, well done to those who sent pics in. The winner is Kevin Griffiths for his wonderful shot from Rarawa Beach. This pic can be seen at

September Prize

Send in your pics and be in to win the $30.00 voucher for this months draw. We have not received any photos this week, so send in your pics for next week's newsletter and enter the monthly contest. You could be our lucky winner. (Previous monthly winners - your vouchers are on the way. Apologies for the delay.)

Northland News from Robbie Cullen

Vern from Oakura Bait and Tackle does a fish and dive report on Radio Northland every Saturday and Sunday mornings following the 7am news and weather. It is on 96 FM.

It is a good run down on the local fishing scene. There are mostly boat reports but it gives you a good overview on landbased fishing, diving, weather, tides, hot fishing spots and what bait is working the best. He usually covers the area from Mangawhai, Whangarei and the Far North.

This is very handy for people on holiday in Northland or those looking to travel north for the day. It will give you an idea if the fish are biting or not.

Included in the report for Saturday 30th August - a good mixed bag taken up and down the coast and sharks in close in places. The baracoutta are a nuisance.

Vern is an ex-commercial fisherman and is usually pretty reliable as to what is hot and what's not.

So for those up this way it's all good information for free. Thought it might be handy for those travelling north and especially with the summer season looming.

Bream Tail Fishing Well

One of the locals went fishing with his brother during the week. They were fishing from a boat between Mangawhai and Langs Beach.

They were not far from shore and they caught plenty of snapper. All the snapper were over 10 pound. They started off using all sorts of bait but the bonito was the most successful bait during the day. Apparently the snapper couldn't resist it.


Robbie Cullen

We need your fishing reports (and photos) to make this newsletter interesting. If you go fishing, let us know how it went. Any information about your kitefishing, surfcasting, boat, kayak or kontiki experience is welcome. If you have information to add to our database see our Beach Report page to add your data.

The reports do not have to be recent; if you have information from past fishing trips these can be input as well. Even if you caught nothing on your last fishing trip the information is important as it helps to build a real picture of what is happening at that particular beach.

Once we have enough reports in the database we will post the average catch by month on the appropriate maps. If enough people send reports in you should almost be able to work out what you will catch before you leave home.

Weather links

The following is a great weather link for west coast kitefishers

Weather Maps with Isobars

Those fishing elsewhere should check out this one. (Don't forget to check out the two and three day forecast charts at the bottom of the page)

Subscriber News

You can help us make this a great newsletter by sending in your fishing reports to

Please include your name, where and when you were fishing, rig or method you use, wind conditions, bait and what you caught. It is also important to know where the fish are not biting so even if you catch little or nothing send the report in. This helps everyone maximise their fishing time and makes it that much more enjoyable for all of us.

If you think any of your friends will be interested in our kitefishing site or receiving the newsletter please send them to

Miss a newsletter or want to check out the back issues, there is some great reading here

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Fishing Tackle Sale
Above: Morgan Barnes with a decent sized snapper from a Whangarei longline set that caught 21 good sized fish from 25 hooks set!

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