Hi All,
Weatherwise we had very strong northwest gales over the weekend.
On Saturday and Sunday there were 5 or 6 kitefishers and one kontiki
fisher out trying their luck in the 130km per hour winds (65 knots!!)
we had down here.
We all knew these gales exceeded Paul's specified wind range
for the kites but I rang Paul anyway, to see if he had any ideas
to help with flying the kites in the gale force winds.
We had launched both the Flexiwing and the Super Kites Rigs,
but were experiencing problems keeping them up through the extreme
wind gusts.
Paul suggested that the Flexiwing Kites should be able to withstand
these gales the if a bigger drogue (shopping bag) or extra drogues
were attached. He also advised us to use stronger rubber bands.
Harry Job modified his Flexiwing and successfully fished in the
difficult conditions.
Merv Gollan and mates and our local Trev Sciascia were using
Super Kites which appeared to handle the extreme gusts much better
than the Flexiwings and only a few 10mm tawa spreader dowels were
broken. Paul stocks 12mm dowels for those who wish to fish full
storm force winds and suggested plastic shopping bag drouge be
fitted to Super Kites in really turbulent gale conditions.
After mastering the extreme conditions the fishing was incredibly
productive but not what we had hoped for, over 100 spiny dogfish
were caught, at times every hook had one on! A few gurnard and
kahawai were caught and one of the guys even caught a skate.
On checking the sea water temperature yesterday I noted it was
15deg C. This is very high for this time of the year, can anyone
throw some light on why the sea water temp is so high down here?
Don't forget our kahawai fishing contest is on, we had a few
weighed in on the weekend but the standings still stay the same.
If you are in the area and are looking for a Kite, check out
our full range of Pauls Kites on display.
Good Fishing John Pothan