Kariotahi to the Manukau Heads.
Strongs winds are a must here as there are high cliffs close to beach all along the coastline. These cliffs can make kitefishing very frustrating if not using the correct kite.
A local problem in the area is near the Waikato River as lots of river weed gets washed down the beach and can tangle up in the kite line and sometimes bust you off following heavy rain.
Another local problem to watch for is the strong northerly sweeps and the longshore rip this creates along beach. If you are using a longline often the mainline gets pulled up the beach by this rip so a Dropper Rig is definitely the best option here.
Sharks and stingrays can also be a nuisance at times tangling lines and destroying tackle, (another good reason to use Dropper Rigs in this area).
Kitefishing is usually best during periods of strong easterly winds associated with low pressure systems to the north of N.Z.
The fish tend to be fairly wide out. Often best time to kitefish is on the outgoing tide just on dusk and often a feed can be aquired.
Best baits to use are salted bointo or squid.
Another good time to fish is when the whitebait are running. The variety of fish that can be caught from Kariotahi include snapper (which at times can be very big), trevally, shark, stingray, gurnard and kahawai.
Usually if you have one set and catch one type of fish thats all you will get for the rest of the day. So if sharks turn up go home and have a cuppa, but if you get onto snapper stay out kitefishing and a big fish might turn up.
For this area be prepared for the wind to unexpectedly change direction.
The best way to catch fish here is to be out there and at least trying every time you can. For myself it took over 20 times of unsuccessfull attempts getting snags and tangles until we got a good set in perfect conditions.
The result was a 8lb snapper and two kahawai, this certainly made all the long drives out there worth while.
We have had many eventfull trips since getting to know the area well. On one trip we caught a 40 kg bronze whaler shark, boy that was hard to pull in.
My personal tip for this area is to fish where there are lots of shells washed up on the shore as fish often feed in these areas at high tide.