Bill Imms from Kaitaia
Diane from Laurenson Marine in Kaitaia reports her father Bill has been making the most of the breaks in the weather recently to get out fishing. Bill regularly fishes the Awanui Harbour and specialises in catching big trevally. Fishing from a boat
and using mullet for bait he recently hooked and landed a 6kg trevally. This is an excellent effort using only a handline. This fish was caught close to the beacon nearest the shore.
Bill has caught some gigantic trevally over the past couple of years. His personal best is a 27lb trev caught two years ago. He also landed a 20 pounder at the beginning of November last year.
The big fish are obviously in the harbour and this weekend looks like a good time to get out and target these fish.
South Taranaki
The prevailing northerlies have been good news for those fishing in the South Taranaki area. Hamish from Taranaki Hunting and Fishing has been out in a dinghy in the past week.
Leaving from Ohawe, north of Hawera, Hamish landed 18 snapper with four fish weighing over 10lb. The secret to his success was the pilchards he was using for bait and the fact that he was straylining the baits back into the current.
Those in the Taranaki area should take the next opportunity to get out and hook into some of these snapper when the weather permits - these fish are in very close to the coast and well within range for those with kitefishing rigs.
Whitianga is still the place to be if you want to be catching snapper, trevally and terakihi. Kathy from Bay Bait and Tackle reports a couple of locals coming into the shop with a good catch of fish after being out in a boat for the day. They had three
15lb snapper included in their mixed bag.
Interesting to note the small snapper are also still being caught in the area along with the odd big one, so use Target Hooks if you want to give the small ones a chance of survival.
The snapper are further off the coast this time of year as the contest last weekend at Kuatuna proved. It was a land-based contest and only one snapper was caught. Plenty of kahawai and a good sized kingfish were caught off the rocks. Sounds like the
place to be this weekend with your kite gear.
If you do go fishing this weekend, send us a report for next week's newsletter.