A Simple Answer : Kite - Kontiki Conversion
Having a large delta fishing kite and kiteline in addition to your existing electric kontiki rig gear makes a lot of sense and means you can truly enjoy the best of both worlds while reducing the risk of losing your electric kontiki, and wear and tear on it, by a huge margin.
The conversion kits below are designed for the fisher who already has an electric kontiki or fishing torpedo and wishes to be able to quickly convert their gear into an extremely efficient kite fishing system when conditions change or are too risky in the areas they want to fish.
Electric kontikis like the Powertiki and Challenge fishing torpedo are extremely good at setting longlines in most conditions on the east coast and they represent a major step forward for land based fishing, but they are not the total answer to fishing anywhere, anytime and neither are kites.
It just makes so much sense to use your electric kontiki in the safest areas possible and then only when you have to.
If you only use you electric kontiki from clear sandy beaches on the east coast when its calm or the wind is wrong for kites in your area you will do extremely well as this is really where electric kontikis excel. The east coast is the safest place to fish an electric kontiki longline - and it is
also the safest time as you will have the whole beach to yourself free from the risk of tangling with kitefishers.
The main reason most electric kontiki fishers initially get a kite is to fish on the west coast and chase the phenominal catches of huge snapper the area is renown for. Unfortunately this is also where sharks, strong currents and high surf can cause problems for electric devices.
If the wind is right where you are fishing, or you are fishing in a new area and are unsure of the bottom type, or you want to fish the west coast when the winds are right, simply use the kite and save unnecessary wear and tear and risk to the electric kontiki. A
comparison of kites and kontikis |