Too Much Power
Now Joe already had the Delta Force, Mega Mouth, Nighthawk and Skyhook Kites and could easily use any combination of these as a Two Kite Dropper Rig with the second kite (flown on 50 metres of kiteline) connected to the mainline at the point where it
sags into the water.
Unfortunately, with Joe's combination of kites, if the wind got up above 15 to 20 knots the power supplied by the combination of these kites would simply be downright dangerous as Joe discovered on a trip to Kariotahi Beach.
On this day Joe used a Delta Force on the outside of the rig and a Nighthawk Kite 500 metres back on the mainline.
The 20 to 30 knot winds combined with the power of these two kites and the 35 kilos of fish on the line had the winch working overtime and the mainline screaming like a banshee during retrieval. For the first time ever Joe decided he needed a smaller
kite and added the Super Kite to his arsenal.
Joe now has every possible kitefishing scenario well and truly covered and it seems to be working well for him. Coincidentally, the rig Joe has found to be perfect for the multitude of spots he fishes throughout both coasts of the upper North Island
is very similar to the Two Kite Multi Rig.
As far as we know Joe hasn't used his 1500 metre system as a Dropper Rig AND a Bottom Longline at the same time as Paul and I had done while fishing Uretiti Beach in the winter of 1990 during a beach demo.
In those days the maximum number of hooks allowed per line was 50. We connected a 12 hook section to the outside end of the rig, another 12 hook section was connected 250 metres further back, the Bottom Longline hook section carrying 26 hooks was a
further 250 metres back and we connected a 1 kg rolling weight to the outside end of this.
The results of 3 sets with this rig were not what we had expected. On each set the best fish were either mainly on the longline section or mainly on the Dropper Rig sections, never on the two combined. To this day we haven't worked out why, and with
the changes in the fishing regulations, I guess we never will.