Fishers who want a big rig should choose the type of rig best suited to the area where most of their fishing will take place.
For those who intend to fish mainly the west coast a Dropper Rig will allow fishing in harbour mouths, channels and on the open coast in strong rip conditions that prevail when the surf is over 2 metres high.
Over an average year a west coast kitefisher using a Dropper Rig would be able to successfully fish around twice as often as a kitefisher using a Bottom Longline Rig.
There are three popular sizes of Dropper Rigs. The smallest is able to be run from any small fishing rod and reel combination on 8 kg to15 kg lines.
Because small fishing reels are unable to handle large loads over a long period of time, Dropper Rigs made up on small reels need small kites that do not provide too much pull, particularly in strong winds.
Paul's Fishing Kites developed their own design of Pocket Sled Kites expressly for this purpose.
Our Pocket Sled Kites get rigidity from the wind blowing down two tunnels on either side of the kite and the tapered body gives an additional ram air effect.
Unfortunately Pocket Sleds are extremely difficult to tack which means to fish these rigs the wind needs to be 45 degrees or more offshore.
Pocket Sled Kites are best suited to line weights of 8 to 15 kg as they only provide 250 to 750 grams of pull. These rigs are designed to be used single handed and run 2 to 3 hooks per set.