Skinning and Filleting Sharks
To fillet the finned trunk slice from the end of the gut cavity to the tail and cut around the backbone to remove it.
Slice the single fillet in half lengthwise along the line of the removed backbone to allow the flesh to lay flat for skinning. After skinning remove any remaining cartilage and cut into cooking sized portions.
Recipes for Shark
I don't eat hammer head shark or spiky dogfish as no matter what shark recipes I have tried I have been unimpressed with the results.
My favorite is mako shark, recipes I have tried for mako are, boiled, steamed, fried and smoked, all were terrific. Mako has a tangy flavor similar to fresh trevally.
True dogfish (no teeth) is certainly next on my list and is perfect for frying, especially for kids as there are no bones.
The absolute best of the recipes for shark I have tried was done with school shark. Mack's Seafoods let me try their smoked school shark strips, it was simply a strips of school shark about the size of a beir stick which was cold smoked in a variety
of flavors.
Sweet chilly was my personal favorite, but those who have proper smoke houses could experiment with other proven marinades prior to long smoking the thin strips.
If you have any favorite recipes for shark or a pic or two drop us a line and we will include them here. Send shark pictures and recipes here
Read an article on West Coast shark fishing