If you cannot do a "power" launch in this area the best option is to launch the kite in front of one of the many gaps in the cliffs.
Dropper rigs are the preferred rigs used here and they provide kitefishers with many more fishable days than those using the kite longline rigs can achieve.
High surf in this area can cause very strong long shore currents which can sometimes prevent bottom longlines from reaching their desired distance offshore.
This is because the strong current can drag the mainline down the beach in the surf zone.
Any of the dropper rigs on the other hand are impervious to this effect as the mainline is not in the water. This is the reason dropper rigs get set fully out more often.
Dargaville is a hugely exciting area to fish.
Species such as snapper, gurnard, kahawai and trevally are common here year round but its the Summer fishing which is the real draw card for many kitefishers.
In addition to the above species, from November through to mid March large kingfish chase mullet up the coast and are often caught by kitefishers just using normal strips of fish bait.
If that isn't enough to excite you, then try targeting the marlin which cruise just behind the breakers from February until May.
Although I am unaware of anyone actually targeting these fish, there have already been two hooked up by kitefishers in this
area using bottom longline rigs. |